Available Grants

What is the ECO4 Funding Scheme?

The ECO4 program, part of the UK government’s Energy Company Obligation (ECO) initiative, provides financial grants to low-income households for energy-saving upgrades like insulation and heating. Launched in April 2022 and running until March 2026, it targets carbon emission reduction and fuel poverty. Services, including boiler replacements and insulation grants, are tailored to the property’s EPC rating, beginning with a complimentary energy assessment. Explore our offerings for efficient heating solutions.

Free Boiler Grant

UK Eco Solutions offers homeowners, private tenants, and pensioners receiving UK Government benefits the opportunity to replace their old and inefficient boilers under the ECO4 Scheme. The scheme aims to enhance household energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions by offering free boiler grants to households with boilers older than 2005 and an EPC rating of D or below. Once qualified, our approved boiler installers conduct a survey and, if positive, proceed to install a new boiler at your property, providing cost savings and environmental benefits.

To qualify for a Free Boiler Grant, recipients must receive income-related government benefits, and their gas boilers should be manufactured before 2005. The eligibility criteria also consider the property’s EPC rating, prioritising homes with ratings below D for the grant. The initiative alleviates financial burdens associated with boiler upgrades and fosters energy efficiency, reducing fuel poverty and carbon emissions, aligning with broader environmental goals.

The primary objective of the ECO4 initiative is to assist low-income households in enhancing their heating systems, promoting energy efficiency, reducing energy expenses, and addressing fuel poverty. Eligibility criteria include the boiler’s manufacture date, connection to the main gas supply, and an EPC rating of D or below. Homes with higher EPC ratings, off-gas properties, and households not receiving qualifying benefits are excluded from the Free Boiler Grant scheme. An Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) assesses a property’s energy efficiency, with lower ratings indicating higher energy wastage and qualifying for the grant.

The benefits of the free boiler grant

1. Reduce Costs

Upgrade to an energy-efficient boiler and save up to £300 annually on energy bills.

2. Improve Efficiency

Elevate home comfort with a modern, energy-efficient boiler that enhances overall efficiency.

3. Go Green!

Decrease your carbon footprint by opting for eco-friendly boilers that emit fewer greenhouse gases.

4. Enhance Your Comfort

Enjoy superior heating performance and precise temperature control in every corner of your home.

5. Increased Value

Boost your property’s value and market appeal by installing an energy-efficient boiler, attracting potential buyers.

The Air Source Heat Pump Grant

Upgrade your home’s heating with UK Eco Solutions and secure a free grant under the ECO4 Scheme! We’re dedicated to providing sustainable heating solutions that cut energy costs and warm your home efficiently. Air source heat pumps play a pivotal role in achieving the UK’s climate targets by reducing carbon emissions from building heating. Through the ECO4 scheme, you can access up to £7,500 towards your new heat pump, making it an affordable and eco-conscious choice.

How does an air source heat pump work? These systems extract heat from outside air through a refrigeration cycle, even in temperatures as low as -20 Celsius. The absorbed heat is then compressed and released indoors, providing efficient heating or hot water. The ECO4 Grant facilitates the installation of air source heat pumps, aiming to reduce household carbon emissions and alleviate fuel poverty across the UK. With grants available until March 2026, homeowners and tenants can benefit from improved energy efficiency and lower heating costs.

Air source heat pumps offer numerous benefits, including significant energy savings and reduced carbon footprint. They provide year-round comfort by offering both heating and cooling capabilities, improving air quality, and increasing home value. With minimal maintenance and a lifespan of up to 20 years, air source heat pumps offer a sustainable solution to heating and cooling needs. Check your eligibility for the grant today and take the first step towards a greener and more cost-effective home heating solution with UK Eco Solutions.

Ownership Eligibility

You are eligible if you are the owner of the property where the heat pump is to be installed, and private tenants can also be eligible as well.

System Replacement

You qualify if you are replacing an outdated fossil fuel or electric heating system with a renewable heating system, such as an air source heat pump.

EPC Requirement

To qualify for the grants, your property must possess a valid Energy Performance Certificate (EPC), ensuring its energy efficiency standards.

First Time Heating Grant

Upgrade your home’s comfort and warmth with UK Eco Solutions and the First Time Central Heating Grant, fully funded by the ECO4 Scheme. Say goodbye to chilly homes and hello to cosy comfort without worrying about the cost, as eligible households can enjoy FREE FTCH installations.

Seamless Process

Our team initiates the process with a complimentary home survey, evaluating your property and EPC Rating to determine eligibility. Once qualified, our trusted partners provide tailored quotes for the first-time central heating grant, ensuring personalized solutions to meet your heating needs. Sit back, relax, and let us handle the application and installation process while you dream of cosy nights ahead.

Benefits and Eligibility

The First Time Central Heating System brings numerous benefits, including reduced energy costs, increased property value, durability, and a lower carbon footprint. Eligibility extends to homeowners and private tenants with a gas meter connection and an EPC rating of (lower) D, E, F, or G. The grant aims to transform homes into comfortable and energy-efficient spaces, enhancing living standards while contributing to a greener future.

What does the central heating grant cover?

The grant provided can notably reduce the expenses linked to installing a central heating system, depending on your situation and the evaluator’s assessment. This often includes:

New Efficient Boiler Installation

Consider gas and other options tailored to different property types and energy efficiency objectives.

Radiators or Underfloor Heating

Select from a range of radiator styles or opt for underfloor heating for enhanced comfort and aesthetics.

All Relative Pipework & Controls

The grant encompasses crucial pipework setup and control systems to ensure the efficient and safe performance of your new heating system.

The Home Insulation Grant

Feeling the chill this winter? UK Eco Solutions offers FREE insulation grants under the ECO4 scheme to help you upgrade your home for enhanced comfort and energy efficiency. With certified experts passionate about energy-saving solutions, we’re here to assist homeowners and tenants in claiming insulation grants hassle-free.

Two main insulation grant schemes are available in the UK: Energy Company Obligation (ECO) and the Great British Insulation Scheme. ECO targets low-income households and offers funding for loft insulation, cavity wall insulation, and boiler upgrades, while the Great British Insulation Scheme extends to a wider range of households, covering various insulation measures.

Insulation acts as a thermal blanket for your home, trapping heat in winter and keeping it cool in summer. It reduces energy bills, addresses fuel poverty, and enhances comfort. From loft insulation to solid wall insulation, UK Eco Solutions helps homeowners understand their EPC ratings and access free or cheaper insulation upgrades tailored to their needs.

Who Qualifies?

  • Homes with an energy rating (EPC) of D to G
  • Homes in Council Tax bands A-D (England) or A-E (Scotland/Wales)
  • Homeowners, landlords, and private tenants
  • Individuals receiving certain government benefits

How To Check Eligibility

  • Provide UK Eco Solutions with your total household income
  • Inform us if anyone in your household receives benefits
  • Share your

Next Steps

  • Upon qualification, we’ll assess your home to determine the required insulation type
  • We’ll offer guidance on the best available insulation option
  • Ready to save money and improve your home’s warmth? Begin the process now!

See what our customers have to say…

I’m really pleased and impressed with the quality of work. Mike, Kenny, and Joe are extremely professional. The work was done with no fuss. They were fast, thorough, clean, polite and very respectful. Great bunch of lads who work well together. Highly recommended, was a pleasure having them here.

Dave Daish

So glad I found this company online. My house is so much warmer now and saves me loads on my bills! Which we definitely need at the minute with the cost of living crisis and everything else going up in price. Thanks so much UK Eco Solutions.

Adam Blakey