Cavity Wall Insulation

Combat Draughts & Heating Bills

Upgrade your home’s energy efficiency effortlessly with UK Eco Solutions. Benefit from cavity wall insulation under the ECO4 scheme to combat draughts and high heating bills. Cavity walls, comprising two layers separated by a gap, are common in houses built after the 1920s. Identify your wall type by examining the external brickwork; cavity walls feature a uniform brick pattern with all bricks laid lengthways.

The Basics of Cavity Wall Insulation

UK Eco Solutions offers efficient cavity wall insulation services for your home. Registered installers drill small holes on exterior walls, injecting insulation material like mineral wool or polystyrene beads to fill the cavity.

This process, lasting about two hours for an average house, ensures minimal disruption. Costs vary by home size but can be recouped within five years through energy bill savings. Ensure suitability for your home by consulting with a registered installer or checking with your local building control department.

How Will It Transform My Home?

  • Cut heating expenses: Save up to £515 annually (Energy Saving Trust), enjoy a warmer, cosier home year-round.
  • Enhance EPC rating: Elevate your home’s Energy Performance ratio, increasing its allure to buyers and potentially boosting its value.
  • Be environmentally conscious: Decrease your carbon footprint and contribute to the planet’s well-being.

Is My Property Suitable?

Your home qualifies for standard cavity wall insulation if it meets these conditions:

  • External walls are unfilled cavities, at least 50mm wide, and free of debris.
  • Masonry or brickwork is in good condition and not exposed to heavy rain or flood risks.
  • An installer will assess suitability and may use mineral wool or polystyrene beads for insulation. Polyurethane foam may be used for houses with narrow cavities or flood risks, with specialist installers handling the process.

Avoid insulation if internal walls show damp patches; resolve issues with a damp prevention specialist first. Cavity barriers are inserted for homes sharing walls with neighbors to prevent interference.

For flats, insulation requires agreement from all occupants in the block; individual flat insulation is typically impractical.

See what our customers have to say…

I’m really pleased and impressed with the quality of work. Mike, Kenny, and Joe are extremely professional. The work was done with no fuss. They were fast, thorough, clean, polite and very respectful. Great bunch of lads who work well together. Highly recommended, was a pleasure having them here.

Dave Daish

So glad I found this company online. My house is so much warmer now and saves me loads on my bills! Which we definitely need at the minute with the cost of living crisis and everything else going up in price. Thanks so much UK Eco Solutions.

Adam Blakey